On 25th August 2007 the General Assembly of AIJA, Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats, has approved in Toronto, Canada the establishment of the "AIJA Scholarship Programme" (the "Programme") under the following principles:
- The purpose of the Programme is to support financially young lawyers' (including in-house counsel) participation in events organised or co-organised by AIJA (Congresses, Conferences, Seminars etc), if absent such support he or she would not be able to take part therein. As a guiding rule, scholarships shall primarily be granted to lawyers below 35 years of age.
- Scholarships are granted upon the candidate submitting a reasoned application, which demonstrates
- the benefits for he or she of taking part in the event,
- ii) the absence of alternative means to finance the participation in the event and
- iii) that such participation would serve to promote the overall objectives and goals of AIJA.
- Applications shall be submitted to a committee (the "Scholarship Committee") made up of the chair/co-chairs of the Membership Forum and Law Course Committee of AIJA and the Co- Chairs of the Human Rights Committee for review. The granting of a scholarship shall be decided upon by the Association Manager and the Treasurer taking the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee into due consideration.
- AIJA can make a scholarship subject to the applicant undertaking specific tasks for the benefit of AIJA in exchange of the scholarship, e.g. preparing reports, making presentations of relevant topics, assist AIJA in arranging future events or promoting AIJA and its objects in his/her country/region.
- Scholarships are not subject to the applicant being a member of AIJA, but a scholarship can consist, in whole or in part, of AIJA waiving for a defined period of time the payment of ordinary membership fees.
- In addition to the foregoing, scholarships may consist of full or partial waiver of registration fees for the AIJA event as well as full or partial reimbursement of travel- and living costs associated with the participation. Please note that the Scholarship Programme rules do not apply to speakers at AIJA events, who get a lot of visibility and thus as a general rule - should they attend the entire event - cannot be exempted from paying the respective registration fee and are not entitled to reimbursement of travel or accommodation expenses.
- The funds of the scholarship are generated inter alia via:
- A one-time contribution decided by the General Assembly in 2007 of EUR 20,000;
- Allocation of a certain amount or percentage of AIJA's annual net income to the Programme, as recommended by the Bureau and decided by the General Assembly as part of its approval of the annual accounts of the Association;
- Donations from members and other third parties.
- The Bureau, acting upon consultation with the Scholarship Committee, shall administer the Programme and shall be entitled to lay down any additional rules, regulations and guidelines for the purpose of administering the Programme.
- The Scholarship Committee and the Bureau shall report of the activities of the Programme to the General Assembly each year at its ordinary meeting.