Open your own law firm and let it grow

Ljubljana, Slovenia

29 June 2017 - 01 July 2017

Thursday 29 June 2017

18:00 Registration at the Slon Hotel
20:00 Welcome cocktail at Vander Urbani Resort
Krojaška ulica 6-8, 1000 Ljubljana

Friday 30 June 2017

08:00 Registration at the Slon Hotel
09:00 Welcome Address by AIJA Immediate Past President
Orsolya GÖRGÉNYI, Szecskay Attorneys at Law, Hungary
09:10 Introduction to the Seminar by the Organising committee
Štěpán Holub, Holubová advokáti s.r.o. Czech Republic
Maks Prokop, ISKRAEMECO, d.d., Slovenia
Marisa Bützberger, Limmatlegal , Switzerland
09:30 Find the right Project for you! Get clear with what success and happiness are for you!
Michel Peruch, Business Strategy Coach, Belgium
10:30 Coffee Break
Sponsored by Arnet Fox LLP
11:00 Start it up with the right foundation Create a Plan to get a successful start!
Evelyn Niitväli, RCAA Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB, Germany
Jonathan Grode, Green and Spiegel LLC, USA
Agata Adamczyk, Agata Adamczyk & Associates, Poland
Pauline LeMore, LeMore Avocat, France
Christian Presoly, Dr. Christian Presoly Rechtsanwalt, Liechtenstein
12:30 Lunch
Sponosred by Šelih
14:00 Develop your Business Craft the right Strategy to develop your firm
Arpad Gered, Maybach Görg Lenneis Geréd Rechtsanwälte, Austria
Anna Ranky, Ránky Ügyvédi Iroda / Attorneys at Law, Hungary
Berk Cektir, Cektir Law Firm, Turkiye
Anna Jelínková, Abraham & Partneri, Attorneys at law, Czech Republic
Max Mailliet, Etude Max Mailliet, Luxembourg
15:30 Coffee Break
Sponsored by Maybach Görg Lenneis Geréd Rechtsanwälte GmbH
16:00 » 17:30 Lead your Firm Live a Powerful and Positive Partnership
Markus Zwicky, Zwicky Windlin & Partner, Switzerland
Kai Guldemond, Blenheim, Netherlands
Jean Louis Collart, Mentha, Switzerland
Agnès Proton, Cabinet Proton, France
Roberto Luzi Crivellini, Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, Italy
20:30 Dinner at Gostilna na gradu (Ljubljana’s castle)

Saturday 01 July 2017

09:00 Manage your Firm Become naturally a good Manager!
Malcolm McNeil, Arent Fox LLP, USA
Frank Walk, EMLAWYERS, Germany
Anne Salzer, A. Salzer Avocats, France
Ferenc Ballegeer, FB-Private Wealth Law, Belgium
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Find and Bind the Clients you want Sell your expertise, not your time
Thierry Aballea, EwenLaw, France
Maks Prokop, ISKRAEMECO, d.d., Slovenia
Václav Filip, České Radiokomunikace a.s., Czech Republic
Mojca Brezigar Bas, IBM, Slovenia
Lidija Virant, Alta Group d.d., Slovenia
12:30 Lunch
14:00 » 15:30 The Ultimate Toolbox Your “Start-up Kit” to create the career you deserve
Michel Peruch, Business Strategy Coach, Belgium
18:00 Optional social program: Guided food & drink walking tour