Financing the Future: Legal Insights into International Business in the Age of Fintech and Instant Transactions

Sao Paulo, Brazil

13 March 2025 - 15 March 2025

Thursday 13 March 2025

18:30 » 20:30 Welcome Reception 

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20:45 » 23:30 Optional dinner 

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Friday 14 March 2025

09:00 » 09:30 Welcome address by the AIJA Bureau representative and the Organising Committee
09:30 » 10:30 Panel 1 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning – lessons learnt and new challenges for the financial industry and international trade? 

This session will delve into the transformative impact of AI and ML on finance and global trade, highlighting key lessons from recent implementations. Experts will share their experiences, addressing both successes and pitfalls, and discuss how these technologies are reshaping risk management, fraud detection, and customer experience. The panel will also explore emerging challenges, such as regulatory compliance, ethical considerations, and data security.
10:30 » 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 » 12:00 Panel 2 - Embedded finance - a trampoline for e-commerce?

Embedded finance allows for seamless integration of financial products and services into non-financial platforms or applications, making financial functionalities an integral part of everyday experiences. This trend is breaking down silos between finance and other industries, offering users convenient access to financial services without the need to engage with standalone banking or financial applications. 
12:00 » 13:00 Lunch
13:00 » 14:00 Panel 3 - Instant transactions in international trade 

Instant transactions bring benefits for citizens and companies, as they allow for innovative added value services and for companies, as they accelerate business course to meet customers’ expectations.

The panel will explore legal challenges faced by professionals implementing instant transactions, and in particular transparency and understandability and limitation of credit or fraud risks. Considering they will also likely involve specialized third-party partners, such as financial institutions, payment service providers, logistics partners, etc., the clear split of roles and responsibilities in the contractual chains will also have to be addressed.
14:00 » 14:30 Coffee Break
14:30 » 15:30 Panel 4 - The Future of Digital Identity in International Trade 

The panel will explore the transformative role of digital identity in global commerce. The experts will discuss the impact of digital identity on security, efficiency, and trust in cross-border transactions. Key topics include advancements in blockchain technology, regulatory challenges, and the integration of AI for seamless verification processes. The panel will also address privacy concerns and the balance between transparency and confidentiality. Attendees will gain insights into future trends and innovations shaping the digital landscape, ensuring secure and streamlined international trade operations.
15:30 » 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 » 17:00 Panel 5 - How fintech reshapes global trade and the supply chain – balancing the risks and advantages of supply chain finance solutions

Over the past few years, supply chain disruptions have profoundly impacted businesses and logistics providers. Many challenges in supply chain finance stem from the complexities in accessing, standardizing, and interpreting data. Fintech companies are revolutionizing payments and working capital management by leveraging digital technology, enabling businesses to manage their supply chains with greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Examining the risks (e.g., cybersecurity threats, technological failures, conflicts with traditional intermediaries such as banks and insurers, credit risk) and advantages (e.g., enhanced efficiency and transparency, improved accessibility for SMEs) of supply chain finance solutions from a legal perspective is highly beneficial, so that the risks are properly addressed, and the technology properly utilized.
20:30 Friday evening dinner

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Saturday 15 March 2025

10:00 » 11:00 Interactive Session 

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11:00 » 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 » 12:30 Interactive Session 

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12:45 » 13:00 Closing remarks on the seminar by the Academic Coordinators from the OC – a few comments on the most important aspects of the seminar
13:00 » 14:00 Lunch
14:30 Saturday Optional Activities 

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