Chiara Caliandro and Giovanni Angles - hosts of this episode and Academic Coordinators of the upcoming AIJA's 60th International Young Lawyers' Congress in Singapore - talk to Tatsu Nakayama, Managing Partner at Nakayama & Partners in Tokyo, about the concept of integrity and how it can shape the future of the legal profession.
In this episode we cover:
- What is the difference between compliance and integrity? And why is that difference important?
- What is “Personal Integrity” and “Organisational Integrity” ?
- How can an “integrity-first” mind-set help young lawyers face different kinds of challenges?
- Has the pandemic made things better or worse for legal profession?
About the guest:
- Tatsu Nakayama, Founder and Managing Partner at Nakayama & Partners in Tokyo. His fields of practice include general international trade, international disputes, and he is a certified sports law agent. He is licensed in Japan with experience of working 2 years in Singapore, author of the book titled “Integrity: Organizational Theory Beyond Compliance" and former AIJA member.