Frequently Asked Questions

Since 1962 AIJA provides outstanding international opportunities for young lawyers to network, learn and develop with peers from all over the world.
  • 20+ events per year
  • A global network with members in 100+ countries
  • 6,000+ people part of its community
  • 700+ law firms of all size
  • 60+ collective members (local bars and young lawyers’ organisations)
  • 20 commissions, additional interest groups and committees

AIJA membership is open to all private practice lawyers and in-house counsel under 45 years old. They must be members of a bar association, or a similar official institution in the countries where no bar association exists; alternatively, they must hold a university degree in law allowing access to a bar association and practicing law as an in-house counsel in private, public, or non-profit companies, institutions, or organisations.

Specific membership forms are available to bar associations, law societies, future lawyers or supporting members being older than 45 years.

Note: Law firms don't qualify for collective membership.

The AIJA membership is valid from 1 January to 31 December every year.

If, as a new member, you sign up for membership as of 1 November, your AIJA membership is extended for a period of 14 months, which includes the last two months of the current year and the following year. Join early, enjoy your member benefits longer.

  • Attend events at preferential member rates;
  • Appear in the online members’ directory consulted every week by approximately 400 lawyers;
  • Access to MyAIJA, the AIJA online community where members can connect and find business opportunities directly referred through our network;
  • Meet professionals from around the world and exchange views on topics in your area of practice;
  • Grow your business reaching a network of contacts in more than 100 countries;
  • Take part in our commissions’ and interest groups' activities;
  • Develop your expertise by actively participating in our yearly events as a speaker;
  • Enhance personal and professional skills by organising global events and supporting meaningful initiatives.

You can pay online by credit or by bank transfer. The choice will be given when you will renew your membership.

The AIJA membership is individual. This is also valid when there are several members coming from the same firm.

It is not possible to pay the AIJA membership pro-rated.

Access to MyAIJA, go to the ‘My Profile’ section and update your personal details online.

Please send an email to

Access here and click on ‘Lost password?’. Use your username to ask for a new one.

Check here to see the upcoming AIJA events. As soon as registrations open, AIJA members will receive an email with all the main details.

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