Event Overview


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After partial lifting of sanctions in January 2016 Iran’s capital Tehran has been a frequent destination for business travellers from all over the world. Thanks to its prominent geographical situation between Europe and East Asia, its rich natural resources and the highly skilled work force Iran is considered to be one of the next emerging markets having impact on the global economy. Iran’s return to the global trade community will boost international trade with and investment in the country. Given the recent developments, Tehran seems to be the adequate place to host the AIJA seminar “Negotiating and Drafting International Contracts”.

The seminar is designed to give practical guidance in managing international commercial contracts and will, among others, deal with best practice rules for the conduct of negotiations, do’s and don’ts and typical clauses including dispute resolution mechanisms. The seminar will be held by highly qualified lawyers with a strong international background. It is directed to lawyers as well as in-house counsels and contract executives of international companies. We therefore cordially invite you to join us in Tehran. It will be the perfect place to get to know our fellow lawyers from Iran and vice versa and to build up a network for future upcoming business opportunities.

AIJA Commissions involved
  • International Business Law (+ Sports Law)


09:15 - 09:30

Amir Hosseinabadi, Tehran, Iran, President of the Iran Central Bar Association
Reza Motamedi, Tehran, Iran, Chair of the International Section of the Iran Central Bar Association
Wiebe de Vries, BloomTax B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vice-President of AIJA
09:30 - 10:30

Encyeh Seyed Sadr, Iran Central Bar Association, Tehran, Iran
Reza Yazdi, Iran Central Bar Association, Tehran, Iran
Prosha Dehghani, Archipel Law, Paris, France
10:30 - 11:00

11:00 - 12:00

Babak Tabeshian, Roth & Kollegen, Munich, Germany
Manuel Moling, Moling and Agstner, Bolzano, Italy
Manoosh Manoochehri, Iran Central Bar Association, Tehran,Iran
12:00 - 13:00

13:00 - 14:00

Shokooh Hosseinabadi, Iran Central Bar Association, Tehran, Iran
Noban Fashandi, Iran Central Bar Association, Tehran, Iran
Aline von Düring, M/Advocates of LAW, Deira, United Arab Emirates
14:00 - 14:30

14:30 - 15:30

Justus Jansen, Head of Dispute Resolution GSK Stockmann, Hamburg, Germany
Raphaëlle Favre Schnyder, Barandun von Graffenried, Zurich, Switzerland
Laya Jonaydi, Iran Central Bar Association, Tehran, Iran
15:30 - 16:00

Fees & General Info

There are currently no registration fees available.

General terms and conditions

By registering you have to accept the general terms and conditions and accept that your registration is considered binding immediately, but participation to the event is possible only after full payment of the registration fee.

Please note that any arrangements related to the participation of the participant in an AIJA event, including but not limited to booking or cancellation of accommodation or flights, as well as respecting the cancellation deadlines indicated in the general terms and conditions, are the sole responsibility of the participant. AIJA shall not be held liable for any expenses the participant may suffer as the result of participant’s failure to comply with his/her obligations.

It is recommended for each participant to purchase a cancellation and travel insurance.

Please note that in-house counsel registrations are subject to review and confirmation by AIJA. AIJA considers in-house counsel professionals who hold a university degree in law allowing access to a bar association and practicing law as an in-house counsel in private, public, or non-profit companies, institutions or organisations. Please note that in-house counsel who are at the same time active as fee-earning lawyers or consultants are not eligible to the discounted in-house counsel fee.

Please read the general terms and conditions applicable for AIJA events.


If you are a lawyer under 35 years old and meet the requirements, apply to our Scholarship Programme for this event. You can check more details here.

Practical Information


Personal Protection

The personal data that you communicate to us shall be processed by the International Association Of Young Lawyers (AIJA), with its registered office at Avenue de Tervueren 231, 1150 Brussels, Belgium (Tel: +32 2 347 33 34 - office@aija.com), in accordance with Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms and Regulation No. 2016/679 on data protection, as of its entry into force on May 25, 2018.

Your data will be managed by AIJA's General Services, Events and Accounts Section:

  • For the purpose of administering your registration for the event and your on-site access to the event;
  • In order to pay for the selected services - your bank details will be deleted after receipt of your payment;
  • In order to communicate information messages from AIJA.

To the extent necessary for the execution of their respective tasks, our subcontractors in charge of our seminar organisation, our IT infrastructure, our management, the production and maintenance of our website and extranet, are likely to gain access to your data from time to time. Their servers are located in the European Union.

Data relating to your participation in the event shall be stored for a period of 10 years. We are obliged to archive billing data until the end of the period required for our tax and accounting obligations, i.e. for 7 full tax years.

We shall store your contact information to keep you informed until you ask us to stop. You have the right to access your data and have it corrected if necessary.