Event Overview


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Time to take stock. Is international arbitration heading in the right direction? A frank and open discussion.

Welcome to Singapore! AIJA’s International Arbitration Commission is pleased to invite you to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of its Annual Arbitration Conference in one of the most renowned arbitration hubs of the world.

Join us in Singapore to participate in highly interactive workshops and panels where we will reflect on some of the most profound transformations that have taken place in the practice of international arbitration for the past ten years and debate, with the lead of a stellar and diverse group of forward-looking moderators and panelists, whether international arbitration is heading in the right direction. Have users' concerns regarding efficiency and costs in international arbitration been sufficiently and satisfactorily addressed? Has due process been sacrificed while addressing such concerns? What role will third party funding play in the future of international arbitration? Is it fundamental for arbitration’s survival? What regulations, if any, should govern third party funding? Is international arbitration transparent enough today? Or have we taken transparency a step too far, or a step too short? Is the arbitration community up to date in terms of using IT tools? What will be the role of artificial intelligence in the future of international arbitration? Will cross-institutional consolidation be adopted by the different leading arbitration institutions? What other potential areas of innovation and future trends should we look in international arbitration? What does the future hold for the investor-state dispute resolution system? Are the criticisms aimed at it justified and founded, or are critics missing the mark?

This enriching discussion will be complemented by an amazing social program that will bring the very best of the AIJA spirit and reward all of us with the enjoyment of the countless sights, sounds and tastes of the multicultural and vibrant city-state of Singapore.


Our event is supported by:


AIJA Commissions involved
  • International Arbitration


International Arbitration

18:00 - 20:00

Address: 100 Peck Seah Street, Singapore 079333

Not included in the registration fees, payable locally

08:00 - 09:00

Address: 32 Maxwell Road, Singapore 069115
09:00 - 09:15

Xavier Costa Arnau, AIJA President, Roca Junyent, Spain
09:15 - 09:30

09:30 - 10:15

Michael HWANG S.C., Michael Hwang Chambers (Singapore) / Essex Court Chambers (UK)
10:15 - 11:30

Time to make an assessment of the reform wave on the rules of arbitration of leading international arbitration institutions. Has reform worked? Is arbitration now more efficient? Is arbitration now less costly? Are expedited procedure rules the answer? Is arbitration now more transparent? Have emergency arbitrators and emergency relief procedures been effective? Is cross-institutional consolidation viable? What is left to improve? Is the reform wave over?

Colin DELANEY, Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP, USA
Aliona BITKIVSKAJA, Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), Singapore
Joe LIU, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC), Hong Kong
Mahesh Rai, Drew & Napier / ICC YAF representative for Southeast Asia, Singapore
11:30 - 11:45

11:45 - 13:00

Time to make an assessment if international arbitration can be quicker, more efficient, and less costly, or is this just a pipe dream. How can the problem of excessive delay in the issuance of awards be solved? Can arbitrators be held accountable? Is arbitration now too much like litigation? In the era of email, has document production made unrealistic to expect that costs in arbitration can be managed? How can the issue of overly lawyered arbitrations be solved? Should and can arbitrators act more proactively, giving e.g. preliminary assessment of the merits of a claim and initiating settlements? Do procedures to determine early and summary dismissal of claims and/or defences have a place in international arbitration and do the current proposals of institutions go far enough? When are documents-only proceedings adequate? What is the proper balance between expediency, efficiency and due process?

Catrice GAYER, Herbert Smith Freehills Germany LLP, Germany
Lars Markert, Nishimura & Asahi, Japan
Vanita Jegathesan, Chevron, Singapore
Simon Dunbar, King & Spalding, Singapore
13:00 - 14:15

14:15 - 15:30

I. Taking stock of Third Party Funding in international arbitration

Time to make an assessment on what role will third party funding play in the future of international arbitration. Is it fundamental for arbitration’s survival? What regulations, if any, should govern third party funding? When should disclosure of the existence and identity of third-party funders be required and where should the line of disclosure be drawn, if at all? How should arbitral tribunals treat confidential and privileged information shared by a client and/or client’s counsel with a third-party funder? Will information no longer be confidential or privileged and there subject to disclosure? What impact, if any, should third-party funding have in awarding and allocating costs in international arbitration? What about on security for costs determinations?

Kohe HASAN, Reed Smith Pte. Ltd., Singapore
Charlie MORRIS, Woodsford Litigation Funding, Singapore, Hong Kong and London
Baldev BHINDER, Joseph Tan Jude Benny, Singapore
Katie CHUNG, Norton Rose Fulbright (Asia), Singapore
Dr. Heiko BÜSING, PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal, Germany

II. Taking stock of international arbitration in the age of transparency

Time to make an assessment if transparency has been taken a step too far by international organizations, arbitral institutions, and legislators, or a step too short. What is the right balance between transparency and confidentiality? Is the publication of challenge decisions of arbitrators, awards and administrative decisions by the institutions necessary to strengthen the users' trust in the process? Do we know enough about arbitrators? How much should we know more? Should we know more about arbitrator's procedural preferences and about the scope of their other commitments? How much information in general should be disclosed and available about arbitration proceedings and its actors? Is transparency a necessity for the survival of the international arbitration system? Is transparency only relevant in investor-state disputes, and not in commercial arbitration?

Julie RANEDA, Schellenberg Wittmer Pte Ltd, Singapore
Eddy LEE, FTI Consulting, Singapore
FOO Yuet Min, Drew & Napier, Singapore
Jonathan Lim, WilmerHale, UK

III. Taking stock of international arbitration in the age of technology

Time to make an assessment if arbitration is evolving in par with technological breakthroughs. Is the arbitration community up to date in terms of using IT tools? What will be the role of artificial intelligence in international arbitration? Is there a future for online dispute resolution? What effect will blockchain technology have on international arbitration?

Polina Permyakova, Delphi, Sweden
Rick BARKER, Accuracy, Italy
Darius CHAN, Norton Rose Fulbright (Asia) LLP, Singapore
Prof. Manuel A. GOMEZ, Florida International University College of Law, USA
15:30 - 16:00

16:00 - 17:15

I. Taking stock of Third Party Funding in international arbitration

II. Taking stock of international arbitration in the age of transparency

III. Taking stock of international arbitration in the age of technology
20:30 - 23:00

Address: 20 Upper Circular Road, #B1-48 The Riverwalk, Singapore 058416

Not included in the registration fees, payable locally

10:00 - 11:30

What does the future hold for the investor-state dispute resolution system? Are the criticisms aimed at it justified and founded, or are critics missing the mark? Can free trade prosper with less ISDS? Can ISDS survive the populist tide? Will investor-state arbitration be substituted by investment court systems?

Eduardo DE LA PEÑA BERNAL, Reed Smith LLP, USA
Maria GRITSENKO, VEON, Netherlands
KOH Swee Yen, WongPartnership LLP, Singapore
Paul Barker, Dan Tan Law, San Francisco | Doughty Street Chambers, London
Elodie DULAC
, King & Spalding, Singapore
11:30 - 12:00


12:00 - 13:30

Time to think in 2028 and AIJA’s 20th Arbitration Conference. What will the conference be about? Will demand for arbitration grow or stall? Will diversity in the constitution of arbitral tribunals become the rule rather than the exception? What potential areas of innovation and future trends will develop during the next 10 years?

Tero KOVANEN, Borenius Attorneys Ltd, Finland
Dr. Tai-Heng CHENG, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, USA
Michelangelo CICOGNA, De Berti Jacchia Franchini Forlani, Italy
Francis XAVIER, Rajah & Tann, Singapore
Charis TAN, DWF, Singapore
13:30 - 14:30

15:30 - 18:30

More details to follow soon
Not included in the registration fees, payable locally

Not included in the registration fees, payable locally

Fees & General Info

There are currently no registration fees available.

General terms and conditions

By registering you have to accept the general terms and conditions and accept that your registration is considered binding immediately, but participation to the event is possible only after full payment of the registration fee.

Please note that any arrangements related to the participation of the participant in an AIJA event, including but not limited to booking or cancellation of accommodation or flights, as well as respecting the cancellation deadlines indicated in the general terms and conditions, are the sole responsibility of the participant. AIJA shall not be held liable for any expenses the participant may suffer as the result of participant’s failure to comply with his/her obligations.

It is recommended for each participant to purchase a cancellation and travel insurance.

Please note that in-house counsel registrations are subject to review and confirmation by AIJA. AIJA considers in-house counsel professionals who hold a university degree in law allowing access to a bar association and practicing law as an in-house counsel in private, public, or non-profit companies, institutions or organisations. Please note that in-house counsel who are at the same time active as fee-earning lawyers or consultants are not eligible to the discounted in-house counsel fee.

Please read the general terms and conditions applicable for AIJA events.


If you are a lawyer under 35 years old and meet the requirements, apply to our Scholarship Programme for this event. You can check more details here.

Practical Information




Please reserve your room at the Hotel Oasia Downtown.

Hotel address: 100 Peck Seah Street, Singapore 079333

To reserve your room, please contact fatinmy@fareast.com.sg


Organising Committee

Colin DELANEY Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP (UNITED STATES)
Catrice GAYER Herbert Smith Freehills LLP (GERMANY)
Tero KOVANEN Borenius Attorneys Ltd (FINLAND)
Julie RANEDA Schellenberg Wittmer Pte Ltd (SINGAPORE)


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  • For the purpose of administering your registration for the event and your on-site access to the event;
  • In order to pay for the selected services - your bank details will be deleted after receipt of your payment;
  • In order to communicate information messages from AIJA.

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