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We kindly welcome you to join AIJA’s virtual Labour Law Commission Day, which will take place on 26 October 2020. Not only will you be offered the possibility to gather new insights and participate in interesting discussions during the various academic sessions, but there will also be plenty of opportunities to catch up with old friends and meet new ones too.
The overall topic of our academic programme is the impact of the Covid-19 crisis.
Since the start of the pandemic, employment lawyers from all over the world have undoubtedly faced the same challenge: advising clients on how to manage their workforce in a world where the way in which employees interact with their employer has changed overnight. New health and safety regulations were adopted at the speed of light, existing legal frameworks were put under pressure and several government support measures saw the light of day in an attempt to give companies the necessary relief.
We are keen to know how you experienced all of this within your jurisdiction and look forward to explore these topics together with a geographically diverse team of expert panelists and an experienced external speaker, legal counsel with UPS in Belgium.
As regards the social part of our day, we will kick off with a Commission Meeting and a Speed Networking session. You will certainly enjoy reconnecting with your AIJA colleagues, as you would normally do during an in person event. It is the ideal occasion for you to meet and introduce new members to our Commission as well!
Lastly, we will close off the day with a virtual home hospitality, together with the members of the International Business Law Commission. Let’s grab a glass of our favorite drink and enjoy the true AIJA spirit in the comfort of our own home or office.
More details on the schedule and the speakers can be found under the programme section of this page.
Please fill in this form if you want to attend the Home Hospitality.
All academic sessions are recorded and shared in the Resource Centre the week after the events.
AIJA Commissions Month
20 October - 20 November 2020
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Please note that any arrangements related to the participation of the participant in an AIJA event, including but not limited to booking or cancellation of accommodation or flights, as well as respecting the cancellation deadlines indicated in the general terms and conditions, are the sole responsibility of the participant. AIJA shall not be held liable for any expenses the participant may suffer as the result of participant’s failure to comply with his/her obligations.
It is recommended for each participant to purchase a cancellation and travel insurance.
Please note that in-house counsel registrations are subject to review and confirmation by AIJA. AIJA considers in-house counsel professionals who hold a university degree in law allowing access to a bar association and practicing law as an in-house counsel in private, public, or non-profit companies, institutions or organisations. Please note that in-house counsel who are at the same time active as fee-earning lawyers or consultants are not eligible to the discounted in-house counsel fee.
Please read the general terms and conditions applicable for AIJA events.
If you are a lawyer under 35 years old and meet the requirements, apply to our Scholarship Programme for this event. You can check more details here.
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Data relating to your participation in the event shall be stored for a period of 10 years. We are obliged to archive billing data until the end of the period required for our tax and accounting obligations, i.e. for 7 full tax years.
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