Where tradition and innovation meet

20 JUNE 2017

The Opening Ceremony of the Annual Congress is always an exciting event that sets the tone for the days that follow. In Tokyo, as you would expect, there is an extra ‘wow factor’.

“The Chinzan-so Hotel will welcome us for the night of our Opening Ceremony with amazing lighting, and cutting-edge technologies”, explains an enthusiastic Kenji Hirooka, Chair of the Organising Committee. “The luxury gardens at the Chinzan-so Hotel, in the heart of Tokyo, were formally established in 1878, in the Meiji era. The combination of the latest technology with the beautiful Japanese garden of Chinzan-so will create a unique atmosphere very special to our Opening Ceremony.”

At the Opening Ceremony, participants will be welcomed by the President of Japan Federation of Bar Associations, the representative of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and David Frølich, the President of AIJA.

“We will also have Ms. Susanna Mäkelä, who is Assistant General Counsel at Microsoft Japan, as a keynote speaker”, informs Hirooka. The Organizing Committee members made great efforts to find the right keynote speaker for the Opening Ceremony and Ms. Mäkelä is a superb keynote speaker. She is originally from Finland and now heads a legal team in Japan of a multinational corporation. Her message is strong. Digital transformation is shaping the way we work and interact, and she believes that when we embrace these new opportunities we need to ensure that no one is left behind and enable opportunities to everyone everywhere.

The ceremony introduces everything that makes this year’s Congress so special. “We will have the most diverse group of participants ever this year”, says Hirooka. “We expect many participants from Japan and the Asian region as well. This does not change the tradition of AIJA's annual congress, and this makes AIJA a more truly global and international association of young lawyers. Also the theme and format will have 12 sessions all focusing on AI with distinguished speakers in the field of AI. This makes this year's annual congress very unique and valuable… Participants will gain a lot by joining this year's congress.”

And let’s not forget the food! Japanese cuisine is famed around the world, and Tokyo boasts more Michelin-starred restaurants than any other city in the world. At Chinzan-so Hotel, you will experience some of the very best Japanese food, served with a modern twist.

Find out more about the Opening Ceremony and explore the full agenda and event schedule of the 55th International Young Lawyers' Congress 2017 in Tokyo. Register now to take advantage of the special registration rates. Click: http://tokyo.aija.org/ !