The benefits of e-voting

20 AUGUST 2019

AIJA welcomed e-voting last year and due to its resounding success we will be using it again at the Annual Congress! We are excited to use e-voting to elect a new Vice-President of AIJA as well as a new treasurer and the partial renewal of the Executive Committee. We’ll also be using e-voting for any resolutions proposed to the General Assembly on Saturday, 7 September. Below are some of the benefits of e-voting to be experienced in Rome next month!

1.    Direct participation

E-voting offers a more time-efficient and transparent way for members to be directly involved in the future of the Association. This way association decisions are made with the consideration of the entire organisation.

2.    Convenient

E-voting is an electronic system that allows members to log into a secure voting platform and cast their votes electronically within their web or mobile browsers from any location.

3.    Secure

Voter privacy, election integrity, correctness and security are guaranteed through encryption protocols. The voting platform is provided by AssociationVoting. To ensure that the election process is secure, we:

  • Use industry-standard 128-Bit SSL encryption
  • Enforce one member one vote by requiring voters to identify with their AIJA Membership ID Number and email address, to ensure only one voting ballot per identifier
  • Ensure voting accuracy by preventing accidental over-voting and providing a prompt error notification that requires attention before their vote can be cast
  • Require voter validation of selections as a preview step before their vote can be cast.
  • Maintain a detailed audit trail of voter selections and ballots cast, available to the AIJA voting administrator as the voting results PDF and also enabling validation of challenged ballots or results. Voter details such as IP address is tracked as well.

4.    Accurate

E-voting instantly collects and processes the data in real time. The voting platform can prevent accidental over-voting, as each voter is required to identify with their unique Membership ID Number.