AIJA finances explained

10 FEBRUARY 2020

AIJA is a longstanding and growing international association which offers professional and personal development opportunities to young lawyers worldwide. Operating in a financially sustainable way is important to ensure we offer the best possible value for money through our events and other membership benefits.

We are a non-profit organisation which means we don’t aim to make any profits. In 2016, AIJA had a surplus, or accumulated funds, generated from membership fees, event registration fees and event sponsorship. The decision was made to invest those funds to fund growth in strategic destinations to extend our global reach, to develop membership services and make long-term sustainable investments. Through this approach we were able to hold events in strategic locations, attract new members, contribute to the local young legal community whilst growing our association’s international presence, present in 90 countries.

Our members expect us to manage our finances sustainably and responsibly. We therefore regularly review our income and expenditure to make sure that we are investing in the most efficient way. We have devised a long-term plan, allocating funds where they are most strategically beneficial. Moving forward, the association will also increase its efforts in developing year-round institutional sponsorship to cover AIJA’s operational costs and support event-related expenses. This will diversify and increase the income streams of the association, but also build organisational resilience.

Below you will find a broad overview of our finances. For a more detailed analysis, members can see AIJA’s annual accounts which are presented every year at the General Assembly during the Annual Congress and can be found in the MyAIJA members platform. Our Bureau is available to discuss the association’s finances with you. 
