48th European Presidents’ Conference – Vienna

9 MARCH 2020

AIJA took part in the 48th European Presidents’ Conference of Bar Associations and Law Societies on 21 February 2020 in Vienna.

Together with other Presidents and High Representatives of European Bar Associations, Law Societies and international lawyers’ organisations, AIJA President Paola Fudakowska and AIJA First Vice-President François Barré participated in this year’s discussion on ‘Democracy and Rule of Law – Keeping up the Pressure’ which was the main topic of the event.

Following the European Conference, a Resolution signed by 48 Bar Associations and international organisations of lawyers, including AIJA, has been released this month to share our joint commitment to the rule of law, the separation of powers, an independent judiciary and fundamental rights. The resolution also highlights widely shared support to members of the Polish legal professions who have been targeted by repressive disciplinary measures and have recently voiced their concerns during the so-called ‘march of the 1.000 robes’ in mid-January 2020.

In this context, the Resolution invites the wide legal family, all our fellow lawyers, judges and prosecutors to send a strong signal during a ‘march of the European Robes’ between 24 and 26 June 2020 in Brussels, Belgium.

As an international association, AIJA stands together with all judges, prosecutors, lawyers to defend the rule of law and safeguard the independence of the judiciary in Europe and beyond.

Read the full resolution here.