AIJA Commissions meet online

2 JUNE 2020

AIJA members can now meet online with their Commissions.

Be prepared to discuss current events in your area of practice, ask questions, share experiences from your jurisdiction or business. If you have any AIJA projects in mind, this is also a good moment to share and plan for the coming months. 

The meetings will take place during the last week of the month in April, May and June. The meeting details will be shared by your Commission President and Vice-Presidents.




Schedule overview


30 April, 28 May (16:00 CET)

Corporate and M&A

30 April, 28 May, 25 June (14:30 CET)

Environment and Energy Law

27 April (16:00 CET), 26 May (17:30 CET), 2 July (16:00 CET)

In-house Counsel

30 April (17:30 CET), 29 May (13:00 CET), 3 July (13:00 CET)


27 April (14:30 CET), 25 May (16:00 CET), 2 July (17:30 CET)

International Arbitration

28 April, 26 May, 30 June (16:00 CET)

International Business Law

28 April, 26 May, 30 June (14:30 CET)


29 April, 27 May, 1 July (16:00 CET)

Labour Law

28 April (17:30 CET), 2 June (17:00 CET), 7 July (18:00 CET)


28 May, 29 June (17:30 CET)


29 April, 27 May, 2 July (14:30 CET)


29 April, 27 May, 1 July (13:00 CET)

Transport Law

27 April (17:30 CET)

Commercial Fraud  29 May (16:00 CET), 29 June (11:30 CET) 
International Private Clients and Family Law 3 June (14:30 CET)