AIJA Insolvency Commission report: Emergency measures in response to the COVID-19 crisis


The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged businesses around the world into financial difficulty and led to an unprecedented surge of emergency legislation in virtually all jurisdictions. In many jurisdictions, these measures include direct intervention in the debt enforcement and insolvency system. Governments have been quick to adopt sweeping changes to Insolvency regimes to avoid viable businesses collapsing, including relaxing rules on directors’ duties pre-insolvency and preventing creditors from seeking to place businesses into insolvency processes.

In light of this unique situation and as a helpful tool for its members, the AIJA Insolvency Commission has assembled a compilation of short factsheets providing an overview of what has happened in our members’ jurisdictions. click HERE to access the document.

Members have volunteered and contributed to this compilation by providing a short factsheet for their respective jurisdictions.

We hope that this contribution will be able to provide you with a useful insight into what is happening or has happened in other jurisdictions and wish you a pleasant reading.


Read the full report 
