AIJA-TRIAL International Talks on Human Rights

5 APRIL 2022




AIJA and TRIAL International are collaborating to launch a few short talks on Human rights to present the organisation, some projects it is working on and new initiatives.  This year, TRIAL is celebrating its 20th Anniversary. 

What is TRIAL International?


TRIAL International is a non-governmental organisation that fights impunity for international crimes and supports victims’ quest for justice. International crimes include genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, enforced disappearances and torture. They work to give victims the opportunity to obtain justice and reparation.

TRIAL International is one of those rare new-generation of NGOs that go further than reporting on human rights violations and undertaking advocacy work. We investigate cases, often going to conflict zones, draft and file, criminal, civil and human rights cases, bring direct legal support to victims, as well as training partners on the ground, judges, prosecutors and especially lawyers, in legal and investigative techniques.

Watch the first video between Elsa Taquet, Senior Legal Advisor at TRIAL International, and François Barre, AIJA Immediate Past President, below. 

The second interview with Elsa Taquet, Senior Legal Advisor at TRIAL International, and Martijn Burgers, AIJA Human Rights Committee Co-Chair, explains how a legal assistance or legal case works, what TRIAL International’s impact is and how to support the association.

The third interview with Philip Grant, Founder and Executive Director at TRIAL International, and François Barre, AIJA Immediate Past President, explores how and when the organisation has been founded, the impact that TRIAL has had over the years and the way it can be supported.