AIJA Human Rights Committee at the Rio Congress

31 JULY 2023

Rio 2023(1)

Let's celebrate together Human Rights and raise awareness in Rio!  

Human Rights will be very much present during the 61st International Young Lawyers’ Congress taking place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from Monday 21 to Saturday 26 August.  

On Monday 21 August, between 13:30 and 14:30, the Human Rights Committee will hold its committee meeting. It will take the form of a round table discussion addressing the following topics:

-       Working with International Institutions protecting the Rule of Law and Human Rights – what experiences?, 

-       Human Rights and Democracy online – How to find the balance between freedom of information and taking responsibility, and 

-       Safeguarding Human Rights in this AI era.

With an amazing keynote speaker, Camila Ignacio, People Management Specialist (USP) and founder of the association Mente Plurais, the Human Rights Committee will also host a session on Diversity and Inclusion addressing the challenges still ahead in particular as far as LGBT and transgender diversity is concerned on Wednesday 23 August, at 15:15 BRT.  

And, of course, it can’t be missed the traditional AIJA Run for Human Rights on Tuesday 22 August starting at 7:00.

The Human Rights Committee invites all of you to support two amazing local organisations: Caixa de Sapato and Fluxo sem tabu. Check out their great work and how to support them on their websites.