AIJA Association Manager shortlisted for prestigious award

22 APRIL 2015

Giuseppe_Marletta_bwThe Jury of the International and European Association Awards has disclosed today the names of the shortlisted association executives who are running to win this year’s prestigious awards.

The Association Awards ceremony will take place during the International & European Associations Congress on 6th May 2015 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Giuseppe Marletta, who manages AIJA since 2012, has shown in the last ten years outstanding leadership skills, assisting European and international associations to grow and increase their reputation internationally.

Giuseppe said “I am delighted to be in the running for the award as Young Leader of the Year. I’m so glad the Jury understood the value of my hard work until now. I love the challenges of the association world and am very excited about this fantastic opportunity”.

More information is expected to be released following the ceremony on 6th May.