Sustainability Board

With the appointment of our Sustainability Officer in 2021 and the establishment of a Sustainability Board in 2022, AIJA has taken significant steps towards coordinating a collective effort for a more sustainable future in the legal world.

AIJA is continuously enhancing its commitment to sustainability by actively implementing various initiatives, taking concrete actions, and making more sustainable choices across all its activities. As a result, sustainability will increasingly be a crucial consideration in the planning and organisation of upcoming events.

To achieve this goal, AIJA aims to incorporate the UN Sustainable Development Goals into its events and has, therefore, developed a comprehensive guide called the 'AIJA Sustainability Grid' for Organising Committees. This guide will serve as a reference when submitting event applications and, if selected, throughout the event organisation process.

The parameters outlined in the Sustainability Grid are designed to have an immediate impact while remaining flexible enough to accommodate the global scope of our Association and to respect the diversity that characterises different countries.

Beyond the organisation of events, AIJA works strenuously to provide its members with learning and research opportunities in the fields of Sustainability Law and ESG, both through direct initiatives and strategic partnerships with highly reputed organisations.

Get involved

Sustainability Committee
Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

There are 17 goals in total, which consider issues ranging from clean energy to gender equality and education to responsible consumption. The goals provide a view of what is required universally to make an impact and be used as a guiding light to the organisation of meetings and events worldwide. The ways you can design our events with the SDGs in mind are endless!

Sustainability projects around the world

By way of example, our initiatives include:

  • ESG Exposure of Young Lawyers - AIJA has partnered with EFFAS - The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, with the aim of fostering cross-cultural understanding and supporting the professional development of young lawyers. This partnership offers access to an ESG certificate course.
  • Purchase of sustainable aviation fuel for offsetting GHG emissions at the Gothenburg Half-Year Conference.
  • Carbon offsetting donation included in the registration fee of our Annual Congress in Singapore.

Get involved

Sustainability projects around the world

Upcoming Events

Washington D.C. Event 760 In-person Event
25-30 August 2025

63rd International Young Lawyers' Congress

AntitrustBanking, Finance and Capital MarketsBusiness Crime and Civil Fraud+16
Read more


Green shipping and sustainable businesses
Sustainability Talk
AIJA Toolkit for Change – The Journey towards a Sustainable Law Firm
New frontiers of energy transition: Environmental regulation and technology
Webinar discussing Circular Economy policies across regions


Oliver Hunt, Roberto Randazzo, Emiliano Giovine and Hugo Teixeira speak about how sustainability and ESG impact our legal practice and the future of the legal profession. 

In this episode we cover:

  • What are the “ESG-oriented” services currently offered to clients?
  • What transformations regarding sustainability our guest expect to see in the legal practice as we traditionally know it?
  • What is changing in the training and education of lawyers who provide legal practices?

About the guests: 

  • Oliver Hunt, Senior associate and member of the Impact Economy group at UK firm Bates Wells
  • Roberto Randazzo, Adjunct Professor of TIRESIA research centre (Polytechnic University of Milan), Chair at ESELA – The legal network for social impact and Advisor of the OECD
  • Emiliano Giovine, Senior associate at RP Legal & Tax, member of the impact economy, international cooperation, sustainability and human rights practices at his firm
  • Hugo Teixeira, Vice-President of the AIJA Corporate and M&A Commission, Professional Partner at the Abreu Advogados, focused on mergers and acquisitions, corporate law and commercial contracts

Get involved

Membership is open to AIJA members only.

If you’d like to become a partner or have an idea of a project, please contact the co-chairs of the AIJA Sustainability Board.

Contact the Co-chairs

Carlos Federico DELRAZO OCHOA
Ecija Mexico, S.C.
Av. Insurgentes Sur 1605 - Piso 27 Interior 1 y 2
03900 Mexico City
Jeroen De Coninck
DC Advocaten BV
Amerikalei 211
2000 Antwerpen
PHH Rechtsanwält:innen GmbH
Julius-Raab-Platz 4
1010 Wien