Labour Law (+ Immigration Law)

Who we are

Our Labour Law Commission and Immigration Law Sub-commission is comprised of a diverse group of employment, labour and immigration lawyers who practise across the world in law firms small and large, as private practitioners and as in-house counsel. Our active and growing membership has a strong track record of organising legal seminars on a wide range of topics, including international employment, labour and immigration law.

In cooperation with other AIJA Commissions and external partners, we aim to focus our seminars on practical issues impacting businesses with cross-border interests and internationally mobile workforces. Our seminars cover issues related to the hire-and-fire labour law, business reorganisations and redundancy programmes, employment and immigration in M&A transactions, workplace diversity, equality and discrimination, global mobility and illegal working. We also seek to address timely topics such as internal investigations, whistleblowing, outsourcing, social media, and global mobility challenges facing high net worth and same sex families. Each year, our commission holds an Annual Labour and Immigration Law Conference discussing the current and most relevant aspects of labour and immigration law.

Find out more about the upcoming events of the Commission

Contact us

Commission Officers

Staiger Attorneys at Law Ltd.
Talacker 41
8027 Zurich
Clémence COLIN
JP Karsenty & Associés
6, Place de la République Dominicaine
75017 Paris
Manuel Ferreira Mendes
Paramount Legal
Rua Nova da Trindade, 1, 3º Direito
1200-301 Lisboa
Sanne van Ruitenbeek
Pallas Advocaten

Events for this Commission

Cambridge Event 788 In-person Event
26-28 June 2025

Lifecycle of an entrepreneur – from personal to personnel // IPCFL Seminar // Annual labour law conference

Immigration LawInternational Private Clients and Family LawLabour Law (+ Immigration Law)
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Washington D.C. Event 760 In-person Event
25-30 August 2025

63rd International Young Lawyers' Congress

AntitrustBanking, Finance and Capital MarketsBusiness Crime and Civil Fraud+16
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Hamburg Event 779 In-person Event
03-06 December 2025

Half-Year December Conference

AntitrustCorporate and M&AEnvironmental and Energy Law+8
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